
The starting point.


Get to know who I am.


Showcase of my professional work.


Fun space where my hobbies reside.


While in my own words I am a "digital creative", what I truly mean by that is that I consider myself a multidisciplinary creator of both interactive and non-interactive online creative projects. Here are some samples divided into sections depending on the project's focus which could be (not exclusively) programming or design.

Software/Web development

Almond icon


Video archiving app to download YouTube videos into a local database. It's self-hosted, meaning that anyone can run and host their own instance.

Almond archived video page
Almond log-in screen Almond home page options

Tools used

flask iconhtml iconcss iconpython iconsqlite icon
github icon
Lavender icon


The backend for this website that functions as a modular file server.

Tools used

rust icon
github icon
vintran icon


Free web file transfer tool made with Python and Flask and compatibility in mind. It is meant to run well on older browsers running on older computers so that files can be sent from there.

vintran upload form vintran upload success vintran file view

Tools used

python iconflask icontailwind icon
github icon
Tangram icon


Minimal graphics engine for games and applications with the help of SDL2.

Tangram example application Tangram tetris game example

Tools used

c iconpython icon
github icon

Graphic/Motion design

Everydays icon


Artwork series where I created one piece every day, it ran from March 2021 to March 2022, lasting 366 consecutive days. Different samples appear every page refresh! All of the pieces were posted throughout that 12 month period on my Twitter account, so if you're interested you can click the link to take you there!

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Did anything catch your eye?

Feel free to reach out. Let's work together!